Something out of the blue (or rather something out of the deep blue sea) trigger my inner self to share my tots... My recent trip to the land below the wind has opened my eyes to redefine civilization. How was it measured? Purely by material achievement, or is it for something bigger, something more meaningful?
The moment we drove down the town, we were surprised by how polite Sabah drivers were (imagine yourself with 2 years unpleasant driving experience in Penang). No one was in a rush to reach their destiny. No one... really no one overtook you from your right nor left...
It was a peaceful moment I had while savoring every second I have to enjoy the ride. Who cares if you reach your destiny late? What matter most is what have you observed along the way? Methaphorically speaking, the same applies to life as well.. if you know what I mean...
While we were on our way up to the summit (even if we didn't actually make it this time, i'm exegerating a lil' bit here), we were accompanied by a Chinese uncle who proudly showing us around. He spent a solid 3 hours talking to us happily about the mountain, the weather, the trees... On our way back, I did ask how much was the trip worth. A normal way as asking your tourist guide how much their time worth...
To our surprise, (and I'm not proud of myself as I reveal this), he said that was for free of charge!! He just wanted to show us around. Can you imagine my face that moment? I feel ashamed of myself as I equate anything under the sun with money.
Maybe, that would have hurt his feelings since he did that sincerely - with no hidden agendas. See how sceptic I became... My many years of living has tought me that 'ada udang di sebalik batu' is the way people behave these days. But in Sabah case... they are super nice & frenly people who reminds that me that money is just another thing in life... not the only thing...
I definitely wud love to come back for my unfinished business here... The perfect blue sky, the majestic mountains as background, the amazing marine life, the white sandy beaches, crystal clear waters, the freshest air I ever breathe... what more cud I ask for?
Thank you... for reminding me that mother nature has a way to teach us to slow down and taste every second life has to offer. And ultimately... to seek the Creator from the creation...
*Signing off*
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