Buat bodoh jer?

May 26, 2008
Ever heard of this expression before? And I was quite pissed when someone choose to do nothing and being ignorant. However, I realize 'buat bodoh' can somehow save you miraculously.

It's funny sometimes, when you want something really badly, and nothing turn out right. But when you choose to do nothing, things just have way to come out perfect!

So, after realising this, should you work really hard for the things you want? Or should you let the fate decides?

My answer is, REDAH jer!! Just do it! The outcome is not for you to decide! :)


May 15, 2008
I’m watching life as a big a screen TV playing nonstop. And really, just by looking, so much can be observed.

If I can divide them into 3 group:

1) Those who live in the past:

Those who are holding on to the memories that will never come back. For example, those who cherish spouse/partner as the same person they knew. And they found it hard to believe the fact that people CHANGE!
Contoh ayat: Dia bukan orang macam tu, dulu masa couple dia baik, layan saya macam puteri!

Those who has a constant grief and regret for things that happened in the past.
Contoh ayat: Menyesal aku amik course ni dulu, kalau aku tau susah camni keje dia, sure aku study mende lain…

Those who live live in guilt
Contoh ayat: Aku rasa bersalah bla bla, sbb aku pernah bla bla bla, So aku tak deserve bla la bla…

2) Those who live in the future:

Those who never stop worry
Contoh ayat: Bolehke aku survive kat kompeni baru? Takutla nak tukar kerja ni. Entah-entah keje sekarang ni lagi baik daripada kompeni baru tuh?

Those who has constant negativity - paranoia:
Contoh ayat: Aku takut aku tak boleh buat la. Aku takut orang lain ada high expectation kat aku. Macam mana kalau aku screw up?

Those who live in wishing mode
Contoh ayat: Takpela, biar aku bertahan. Suatu hari nanti, mungkin dia akan berubah...

3) Those who live at present

Those who realize NOW is what we have, and make the most of it!
Those who take one day at a time!
Those who realize nothing in this world can ever change the past, and now is what we have to work on the future we want!

So, tepuk dada… and ask ourself, which way to live our life?

*The past is forgotten and the future is promised to no one *

Selamat Hari Jadi Mak!!

May 14, 2008
sob.. sob.. wei.. sedih ni.. pagi2 lagi Lenny dah buat speech yg menyentuh perasaan... but it's really good to let out your feelings (which I'm very lousy at)...

ingat tak.. dulu masa mak marah & denda kita sbb kita degil tak nak belajar dan tak nak tolong mak buat kerja rumah... kita selalu rasa mak jahat & tak sayang kat kita...

Dulu mak sanggup tak nak beli TV n tak nak bagi kita semua tgk TV, sbb pada dia bende tu membuang masa dan sebabkan kita malas belajar & tak fokus. Dah berapa kali kita adik-beradik merayu, but they (mak & abah) stick to what they believe is right.. But, now only I realize itulah kasih sayang mak yg sebenar. They want us to focus and achieve what we want in life...

Ko ingat lagi tak, masa kite main gelongsor dekat bukit belakang rumah Cik Melur, abis kotor baju. Pastu mak dtg bawak rotan/getah hitam. Abis kite tiga beradik kene. Malu kene pukul depan kawan takyah cerita la... Tapi aku rasa ko lah yang paling teruk kene antara kita adik beradik, sbb ko yg paling nakal & rebellious... muhahaha...

pastu ko ingat lagi tak kita pi tangkap udang & ikan seluang tiga beradik ngan abah... Habis satu badan berlumpur. Pastu bila sampai umah, mak denda kita 4 orang (abah pon kene sekali) duduk kat luar rumah, mandi & basuh baju sendiri. Dah bersih, baru boleh masuk dalam rumah.. Aku rase mak memang garang sgt masa tu.. Tp sekarang baru aku sedar, kita pon sama je kekadang cam mak.. clean freak...

Hmm.. I’m wishing all the best utk mak.. Semoga mak sentiasa sihat and always be around forever. I love you mom!!

23 days to deadline...

May 8, 2008
As much as I used to hate deadline, I personally feel that's the best way to make me do what I was supposed to do... If I were to look back and wonder, did I ever slip a dealine? Very rare.. As far as I could recall, maybe in an occasion or two... (hmm.. pernah ke?)

So, this time, I'm gonna do this within a given timeline. Kire2 cam reality show la pulak. Adoi!

Wish me luck!

Or should I make my mission sounds like this - "23 days to deadline, and the start of a new beginning..."

*Goals are dreams with deadlines - Diana Scharf Hunt *

Yang remeh temeh

May 7, 2008
Macam yg Abang Mus cakap dulu, petty little thing doesn't concern me anymore...

Ada mata pandang
Ada telinga dengar
Ada mulut diam
Ada tangan garu
Ada kaki goyang

Ada otak pandai
Ada akal pakai
Ada bijak gadai
Ada mata pejam
Ada mulut kunyah

Yang remeh dan yang temeh
Berlegar di sekelilingmu
Yang remeh dan yang temeh
Berlegar di sekelilingmu
Buatlah tak tahu
Buatlah tak tahu

Rela jadi tunggul
Rela jadi patung
Tunggu dilelong
Suruh angguk-angguk
Suruh geleng-geleng

Oh puji lah aku
Ampu lah aku
Senang hidupmu
Ada tangan tadah
Ada maruah campak

Yang remeh dan yang temeh
Berlegar di sekelilingmu
Yang remeh dan yang temeh
Berlegar di sekelilingmu
Biarkan berlaku
Biarkan berlaku

“All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.” - Galileo Galilei

2008 resolutions??

May 6, 2008
It’s already May, and one-third of the year has passed us by. Still in contact with your 2008 resolutions? For those who has forgotten, do search back that piece of paper (if you write your goal down). And for those who never had your resolutions being written down, it’s never too late to start writing one!

I just finished reviewing my goal until April, and I’m glad that I’ve achieved 31% of my overall goal successfully. Even if this number is relatively low (compared to passing mark), I know that I’m doing just great!

I was the kind of person who keen to set up goals every new year and forget it the very next day. And this year, I know that I’ve got to do something really different. I monitor my progress every month end, and I read my goal every single day… and feel free to revise it to give some flexibility.

*Let’s hear your success story to get your goal manifested!!*

I have to give hundred & ten percent!!

May 5, 2008
Reached Penang safe n sound. Alhamdulillah...

One point of discussion while I had my bfast with my dad this morning before we left to airport was about commitment. How much should we put ourself into everything that we do. The keyword here is EVERYTHING - life, work, relationship... The answer is to give hundred and ten percent!!

If we do something half-heartedly, the outcome will speak for itself. If we didn't get what we want, is not because it is our destiny... but it is because we didn't do it at our best.

"whatever the mind can conceive & believe, the mind can achieve"

My mood

Ungu Feat Rossa ~ Tercipta Untukku (Acoustic Version)

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