It was the longest painstaking hours and I took each and every seconds of it for some soul searching and life reflections. I wanted to elaborate in paragraphs, but I guess I worked best in points… hehe… (I leave the story-telling bit to Lenny in her blog then, go figure!!)
1) I’ve always believed in Waler D. Wintle poem. I thought it was profoundly beautiful. Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster man; But soon or late the one who wins , is the man who thinks he can. The whole journey was portraying the battle between the mind and body, and take my word, mind ALWAYS wins!! No matter what!! Whether you think you can or you think you cannot, you’re always right :)
2) We have to burn all bridges to succeed. In ‘Think and Grow Rich’, Napolean Hills says “Those who would win in any undertaking must be willing to burn their ships and cut all sources of retreat. Only by doing can one be sure of maintaining the state of mind known as a BURNING DESIRE TO WIN, essential to success” (page 27). I didn’t let a single person from my team know that they can go back and rest at Layang-layang Hut, should they fail to proceed to our first day goal – Laban Rata. I just didn’t want to give them and even myself the option to retreat. There’s no way back! Period.
3) Do not fear or limit myself from the road less travelled. Mersilau Trail is less travelled and it is 2.7km longer than Timpohon Trail. Goodness, the view is breathtakingly beautiful!! It’s like looking at God’s painting on big wide canvas. Everything is in perfect harmony. The same goes to life too, I should be brave enough to take more chances, and get out from my normal comfort zones.
4) There’s always sunshine after the rain. Our way up after KM5 was quite a disaster. With heavy rain and strong wind made it difficult to make another move. That was the moment that we pushed ourselves the most. And indeed God has promised us the following:
"Fa inna ma'al 'usri yusra.. Inna ma'al 'usri yusra.. So indeed with hardship is ease.Indeed with hardship is ease"
And He was right. We’ve been blessed with perfect blue sky the next morning!! Thank you Allah!!
5) Take one step at a time. Life can be undeniably overwhelming, and so does the hiking of seemingly endless route… But we know that we can only accomplish them by taking one step at a time… And walla! We’re finally on top of the mountain!! Simple, huh?
6) Treasure your family, friends and loved ones. It’s amazing what different did it make to receive such calls and SMS of words of encouragement from them. At times, life can be difficult too. But, when you know that you are loved by many, how hard can it really be?
7) I’ve met 2 types of people, pessimist & optimist. And I’ve finally realized which type of people who made it to the top, regardless how physically fit they are . And I’ve also realized which type of people that I want to be surrounded with… I am choosing them wisely… :)
8) Nothing is impossible. It’s all about attitude. So, am I ready to pursue & accomplish my next goal? I think I am… :) Fighting!!!
Thanks to my fellow climbers for the great time we had in Sabah. It was a total blast!!! Boom boom pow!!! Hidup GGM!!! :)
1) I’ve always believed in Waler D. Wintle poem. I thought it was profoundly beautiful. Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster man; But soon or late the one who wins , is the man who thinks he can. The whole journey was portraying the battle between the mind and body, and take my word, mind ALWAYS wins!! No matter what!! Whether you think you can or you think you cannot, you’re always right :)
2) We have to burn all bridges to succeed. In ‘Think and Grow Rich’, Napolean Hills says “Those who would win in any undertaking must be willing to burn their ships and cut all sources of retreat. Only by doing can one be sure of maintaining the state of mind known as a BURNING DESIRE TO WIN, essential to success” (page 27). I didn’t let a single person from my team know that they can go back and rest at Layang-layang Hut, should they fail to proceed to our first day goal – Laban Rata. I just didn’t want to give them and even myself the option to retreat. There’s no way back! Period.
3) Do not fear or limit myself from the road less travelled. Mersilau Trail is less travelled and it is 2.7km longer than Timpohon Trail. Goodness, the view is breathtakingly beautiful!! It’s like looking at God’s painting on big wide canvas. Everything is in perfect harmony. The same goes to life too, I should be brave enough to take more chances, and get out from my normal comfort zones.
4) There’s always sunshine after the rain. Our way up after KM5 was quite a disaster. With heavy rain and strong wind made it difficult to make another move. That was the moment that we pushed ourselves the most. And indeed God has promised us the following:
"Fa inna ma'al 'usri yusra.. Inna ma'al 'usri yusra.. So indeed with hardship is ease.Indeed with hardship is ease"
And He was right. We’ve been blessed with perfect blue sky the next morning!! Thank you Allah!!
5) Take one step at a time. Life can be undeniably overwhelming, and so does the hiking of seemingly endless route… But we know that we can only accomplish them by taking one step at a time… And walla! We’re finally on top of the mountain!! Simple, huh?
6) Treasure your family, friends and loved ones. It’s amazing what different did it make to receive such calls and SMS of words of encouragement from them. At times, life can be difficult too. But, when you know that you are loved by many, how hard can it really be?
7) I’ve met 2 types of people, pessimist & optimist. And I’ve finally realized which type of people who made it to the top, regardless how physically fit they are . And I’ve also realized which type of people that I want to be surrounded with… I am choosing them wisely… :)
8) Nothing is impossible. It’s all about attitude. So, am I ready to pursue & accomplish my next goal? I think I am… :) Fighting!!!
Thanks to my fellow climbers for the great time we had in Sabah. It was a total blast!!! Boom boom pow!!! Hidup GGM!!! :)